squiresandbrown have submitted Planning Applications for two new projects at Concord College, Shropshire. The applications included an extension to their sports facilities and a new boarding house on the Northern end of the campus. Both are key projects in the College’s new development masterpan produced by squiresandbrown.
The sports hall scheme includes a new 4-court sports hall designed to serve multiple purposes, including sports and fitness, exams and assembly activities. This new facility will be added as a new extension to the existing primary sports hall pavilion building, effectively amalgamating the College’s resources for sports and exams.
The new boarding house scheme includes an additional 60 ensuite bedrooms to meet the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools. The scheme seeks to set a new, higher standard for boarders at Concord College which aims to enhance students wellbeing and provide a safe base to live whilst away from home.