We were thrilled to attend the official opening of St Andrew’s Study Centre. The occasion was marked with a ribbon-cutting by the Headmaster, attended by, staff, students, the Contractor and Design Team.
The Headmaster quoted Windsncill by saying “we shape our buildings and thereafter they shape us”, encouraging the Sixth-Form pupils to make the most of St Andrew’s, before inviting them into their new study space.
The centre was extremely well received, and students past and present gave some great feedback on the spaces which we were delighted to hear.
“It is easy to focus here, being so light and quiet and there are so many different spaces and places to work. We are going to be in here a lot!” – Penny (M) and Jazzy (I)
“I knew that St Andrew’s was going to be an impressive space, but the reality is even more special than I had envisaged. Where the old building was disjointed, this fresh intepretation has a pleasing unity and flow and will be a great study space” – Chris Bake (F 77-82)